Lately our dude that was showing promise has started to have some interesting problems, the largest of which is with our branch mission leader. It's pretty sad because I love my current branch mission leader. He's definitely one of my two favorite mission leaders (if not my favorite) I've had in Japan and is totally willing to help out the missionaries any time. But for some reason our investigator doesn't love him as much as I do. Unfortunately he also has some other things that he's struggling with lately and we're not quite sure how much we can do to help him. Last week he seemed quite a bit more willing to keep commitments and apply stuff to himself but based on the couple of phone conversations we've had since then he seems to have checked out a little bit. Hmm. I guess I just need to remember that everyone has trials in their lives and the ability to choose how to react to them. It's an individual responsibility to make sure that our faith is strong enough to keep ourselves tied to the gospel.
We went to a couple of high schools this week and tried to do some advertising for our English class. We got a phone number to call from one of them and an "if you want to you can stand outside our gate and give cards to all of our students" from the other one. So we'll probably be following up with those in the near future.
I also got a new companion this week. His name is Elder Bunderson and he's from Utah. He's excited to work hard so we should have a good transfer together.
I'm not sure that I have a whole lot else to say for this audience. Except that 1 Nephi 11 is pretty cool. The Holy Ghost talks to Nephi and helps him to answer his own questions. The Holy Ghost can definitely be used as a model for how to be an effective teacher. I highly recommend it. :)
Elder Mitchell
My new comp and I
District photo from last transfer